



Sound Design and Mix trailer of the “Supermagic

Sound Design & Mix movie for “Veneto Bank Gr

Sound Post Production of the movie “One $

Sound Design and Mix spot TV RAI “Action

Sound Design and Mix of the clip movie for “FS” 

Sound Mix video tutorial app

Mix and Editing fx spot TV RAI “Ground Fish

Sound Design and Mix multi video system for
S.Paulo Fashion Week 

Editing Sfx, Sound Mix cartoon for 

European N. Info Centre

Editing Sfx, Sound Mix cartoon for 

European N. Info Centre

Editing Sfx, Sound Mix cartoon for 

European N. Info Centre

Sound Engineering & editing, Mix of the spot Tv “

Sound Editing & Mix

spot radio of the 

Grande Fratello

Sound Mix and Music Editing corporate movie for “Astaldi

Sound Design

logo program Tv RAI “Explora

Sound Editing & Engineering, Mix of the spot Tv
Stato C’è

Sound editing and Mix trailer “Lucky Red

Sfx Editing and Mix movie of the Tv program “Ballarò

Sound Engineering and Mix spot radio of
La Molisana

Sound Mix

movie clip about
Safari Job

Sound Post Production of several spot of “Uliveto” e “Rocchetta

Sound Design

of the graphic animations for Tv program “Sarabanda” 

Sound Post Production of several spot radio about “Bose

Sound design & Editing, Mix of the show TV “Papirazzo

Sound Editing, Engineering & Mix spot for app 


Sound Design and Mix trailer  movie

Report 51

Sound Design and Mix spot viral  of the movie “Report51

Sound Post Production of several trailers.

Sound Editing of the program tv
Dimmi di Te

Sound Post Production for program TV  “Prodigi” 2017

Sound Editing and Mix

epidodes Tv of “Castrocaro

Sound Editing and Mix

ep 21 show TV “BOOM

Sound Editing of the show tv “CCN
(season 2019)

Sound Editing and  Mix of the show tv “La Vacanza Perfetta” with Facchinetti

Sound Design FOX logo for intro the movie “Le Mans '66“ at “Giornate Cinema (IX)” to Riccione

Sound Post Prod. spot show RAI
La Domenica Ventura” 

Sound Post Prod. show RAI
Senato & Cultura”,
“Omaggio a Napoli”

Sound Post Prod. show RAI
Senato & Cultura”,
“Voce del Cuore”

Sound Post Prod. show “Prodigi (2019)” with F. Insinna e S. Autieri

Sound Post Prod. show
La Pupa e il Secchione e Viceversa” with Ruffini 

Sound Post Production show RAI “Nuovi Eroi

Sound Post Prod.
podcast series of
Zero In

Sound Post Production show RAI  “Resta a Casa e Vinci

Sound Design

Sound Design

Sound Post Prod. Trailer Story Clip
"Il Vampiro della Foresta"
di Salgari

Sound Engineering & Speakering of the corp. spot “GSE

Sound Editing & Mix show RAI “Pietre d’Inciampo
(ep 2,3)

Sound Mix
spot istituzionale
su campagna vaccinale

Sound Post Production
Alta Infedeltà 6

Sound Design

Sound Design & Mix
spot istituzionale
richiamo Vaccino

Sound Post Production
spot  “Musei Italiani

Sound Mix of the series of movies on health procedures to support and support victims of domestic violence

Sound Design & Mix
spot “Telethon natale 2021

Sound Mix of the RAI spot
"Io Voto"
on the political elections of 25 September 2002

Sound Editing & Mix of promo RAI of documentary
Azzurro Shocking
about women's football 

Sound Mix of the series RAI spot on the national women's team on the occasion of the Europei di Calcio Femminili

Sound Editing & Mix of the RAI spot of the show TV
Il Circolo Dei Mondiali

Sound editing & Mix of the series of RAI spot about teams of mondiali Qatar 2022.

Sound design, editing & Mix of the spot
Rai Way Edge.

Sound editing & Mix of spot video for Inside Finance.

   DOCU &

Sound Edit and Mix

of the doc “Elegia di Augusto

Sound Design

medieval ambients for project “Erakles

Music Editing and Mix

doc about art “Collezionisti

Sfx Editing and Sound Mix

of the doc “Tesoro di AlarIco

Sound & Music Editing and Mix of the scientific doc

I 3 minuti dell’ Uomo

Dialogue & Sound Editing, Mix of the docufiction 

Amore Criminale 5

Sound &  Music Editing, Mix

of the doc “Il Futurismo” 

Dialogue &  Sound Editing, Mix of the doc series

Missione Natura 5, 6, 7

Dialogue Editing and Mix

of the doc “Cancelli di Fuomo

Sfx Editing, Sound Design, Mix several movie corporate clip “Telecom

Sound & Music Editing, Mix

doc about Telecom

Telecom Lab

Sound Editing &  Engineering, Mix doc about “Eusebi

Sound Editing and Mix series radio about architecture “Fatti Minimi

Sfx Editing, Sound Design,Mix doc about “Beckman Coulter

Dialogue & Sfx Editing doc series about road safety education “La Strada Giusta

Sound Engineering

docu fiction “Città Criminali

Sound & Dialogue Editing 

doc of Capossela 

Nel Paese dei Coppoloni

Dialogue Editing and Mix

docufiction “Reparto Trans

Sound Engineering of the doc  series “Era Urbana

Sound Engineering

of the episodes of 

Anno Zero



Sound Mix

doc about papa Wojtyla

Dialogue Editing, Sound Engineering  & Mix doc about Visconti

Sound Engineering

audio book of Camilleri

Il Nipote del Negus

Sfx Editing

Magie sul Ghiaccio

Sound Post Prod. of many doc NAT, GEO, GA&A, Capodarte, etc..

Sound Mix

doc about papa Ratzinger

Dialogue Editing 

doc about important themes in Sudamerica: Indifesa

Sound Mix

doc about  Sacco and Vanzetti: La Morte Legale

Sound Editing

factual RAI where the students meet the VIP : Il Supplente

Dialoque & Sfx Editing doc:  “The TIme of Discretion

Sound Editing

docs about the great masters of italian cinema 

Muse e Dei(Dino Risi)

Sound Editing

docs about the great masters of italian cinema 

Muse e Dei(Scola)

Sound Editing

docs about the great masters of italian cinema 

Muse e Dei(Antonioni)

Sound Editing

doc “Wild Italy 5” series Predatori sui carnivori

Sound Editing

doc “Wild Italy 5” series Predatori sui lupi

SFX Editing documentary “1969 l’Italia Vista dalla Luna

Sound Editing docu-inchiesta “Casamonica, Le Mani su Roma

Sfx Editing, Sound Design 

doc “Milano 2020” about emergency Covid 19

Sfx Editing, Sound Design doc about M. Biondo
Suicidio Apparante

Sound Mix documentaries “Kalipè
with M. Ossini

E’ Stato Tutto Bello
Sfx Editing & Sound Design of docu-film about Paolo Rossi

Sound Mix documentary about
the women's soccer
“Azzurro Shocking”


Dialogue Editing

Come Fai Sbagli

Music Editing

fiction “Braccialetti Rossi 2

Sound Design & Editing, Mix 5.1 movie “Nuit Americhen

Sfx & Sound Editing

movie “Child K

Sound Design, Mix

3D movie  “Undercolour

Sound Design, Sfx & Sound Eding, Mix

La Divina Commedia

Dialogue, Sound & Sfx Edting, Mix

The 1 $ Movie

bla balba lbablal

Dialogue Editing

RIS Roma 3

Dialogue Editing, Sfx & Sound Editing soap “Agrodolce” 1

Sound & Dialogue Editing, Mix


Sound Design, Sound Editing, mix 5.1 movie 

Report 51

Dialogue Editing

movie about “Antonia Pozzi

Sound & Dialogue Editing, Mix movie 

I Ragazzi di Pippo Fava

Sound & Sfx Editing

Le Ombre Rosse


Dialogue & Sound Editing,Mix

short film “Cancelli

Dialogue Editin, Mix

Gran Finale

Dialogue Editing, Mix

docufiction “Altro Mondo

Music Editing

movie “Hannover

bla balba lbablal

Sound & Sfx Editing

Civico 0

Additional Music Editing

Artic Justice

Dialogue Editing fiction

La Mafia Uccide Solo d’Estate 2

Dialogue Editing movie “FAITH“ diret by V. Pedicini

Dialogue Editing movie
Vita Segreta di Maria Capasso

Sound Design docu-film

Dialbolik Sono Io

Dialogue Editing ep 9
Oltre la Soglia
with G. Pession

Dialogue Editing fiction

Montalbano“ season 14

Sound Design & Sfx Edit short-film “Like_Narciso“  
by R. M. Nesci

Dialogue Editing fiction Il Silenzio dell’ Acqua 2“ with Ambra e G. Pasotti

Sound Post Production Fictions Podcast & Story Clips for GoToPodcast

Dialogue Editing  fiction “Giustizia Per Tutti“  
(ep 6)

Dialogue Editing film (in collaboration with A. Salvatori)
I Racconti Della Domenica”  

Dialogue Editing fiction
La Sposa” ep.2
direct by Campiotti

Sfx Editing, Sound Design 

short film “Avevi Promesso” direct by M. Renda

Dialogue Editing sperimental film “Marko Polo by Elisa Fuksas

Edoardo Verde  -  Copyright © 2016 - All Rights Reserved